Sign our petition and tell President Biden about the enormous opportunity to cool the planet, prevent pandemics, and improve global health security by instituting a National Biodiversity Strategy
Our life-support system – nature – is collapsing. Wild animals and plants are disappearing at rates that have never been seen during human existence, and those rates are only increasing.
If we fail to stop the nature and biodiversity crisis, pandemics will multiply, and our planet will eventually become uninhabitable for our human species. Success will require a coordinated and urgent response that makes protecting Earth’s life-giving systems an American priority. We can do this. The time for action is now.
We are a diverse coalition of non-profit organizations urging the Biden Administration to protect biodiversity through a National Biodiversity Strategy.
Contributors to the outreach effort include the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Conservation X Labs, Defenders of Wildlife, Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Health In Harmony, Jane Goodall Institute, Preventing Pandemics at the Source, the U.S. Wildlife & Health Alliance, Animal Defenders International, Endangered Species Coalition, FOUR PAWS USA, Humane Society Legislative Fund, Management Sciences for Health, Marked By COVID, One Health Lessons, OneNature Institute, The Humane Society of the United States, United Plant Savers, and WildEarth Guardians.
